Rule 336 – Exercise of case management powers
Print this pageThe Court may exercise its case management powers on the application by a party or of its own motion, unless otherwise provided.
Case Law:
IPPT20241125, UPC CFI, LD Paris, Dexcom v Abbott
No justification to reopen the debate after the oral hearing because of decision of Munich Regional Court of 11 November 2024 (R. 334 and 336 RoP). This request made at a very late stage of the proceedings is not justified, since the decision in question does not concern the patent at issue in the present case, but its parent patent, which discloses another invention with similar but also different features. Moreover, the Regional Court of Munich, seized by an infringement action, did not examine the validity issue on the merits but in a context of a request for a stay with regard to the pending nullity proceedings before the Federal Patent Court.
IPPT20240219, UPC CFI, LD Munich, Huawei v Netgear
Interim decisions following case management hearing (Rule 334(d) RoP, Rule 336 RoP, (Rule 105(5) RoP): Reserving right to schedule an interim conference (Rule 35(b) RoP). Allowing pleadings until the conclusion of the written procedure, which in addition to the topics addressed in the Rules of Procedure, may also address topics that have been raised at the hearing, provided that they do so immediately in the earliest written submission. Setting end date for written procedure. Setting date for oral hearing at 18 June 2024. The language of the hearing will be English (language of the proceedings is German). . Setting value of infringement action at € 1 million, of the three nullity counterclaims at € 1 million and of the proceedings at € 2 million.