Rule 64 - Allocation of actions brought before the Court of First Instance
Print this page1. When an action is filed before a local or regional division of the Court of First Instance, the Deputy-Registrar shall assign the action to a panel following an action distribution scheme established by the presiding judge of the competent division. (Ref.: R. 345(3) RoP)
2. When an action is filed before the central division of the Court of First Instance, the Deputy-Registrar shall:
(a) allocate the action in accordance with the Agreement and the Rules of Procedure; (Ref.: Annex II, UPCA, R. 17(3) RoP)
(b) assign the action to a panel following an action distribution scheme established by the presiding judge of the competent seat or section. (Ref.: R. 17(2), R. 345(3), 345(6) RoP)
3. When a judge-rapporteur has been designated, the Deputy-Registrar shall notify the parties of the identity of the judge-rapporteur. (Ref.: R. 18 RoP)