Article 35

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1. The proprietor of a Community trade mark who is the proprietor of an earlier identical trade mark registered in a Member State, including a trade mark registered in the Benelux countries or of an earlier identical trade mark, with an international registration effective in a Member State, for goods or services which are identical to those for which the earlier trade mark has been registered, or contained within them, may claim the seniority of the earlier trade mark in respect of the Member State in or for which it was registered.


2. Seniority claims filed pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall include the registration number of the EU trade mark, the name and address of its proprietor, the Member State or Member States in or for which the earlier mark is registered, the number and the filing date of the relevant registration, the goods and services for which the mark is registered and those in respect of which seniority is claimed, and supporting documentation as provided for in the rules adopted pursuant to Article 34(5).


3. If the requirements governing the claiming of seniority are not fulfilled, the Office shall communicate the deficiency to the proprietor of the EU trade mark. If the deficiency is not remedied within a period to be specified by the Office, the Office shall reject the claim.


4. Article 34(2), (3), (4) and (6) shall apply.