Article 112

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1. The applicant for or proprietor of an EU trade mark may request the conversion of his EU trade mark application or EU trade mark into a national trade mark application:

(a) to the extent that the EU trade mark application is refused, withdrawn, or deemed to be withdrawn;

(b) to the extent that the EU trade mark ceases to have effect.


2. Conversion shall not take place:

(a) where the rights of the proprietor of the EU trade mark have been revoked on the grounds of non-use, unless in the Member State for which conversion is requested the EU trade mark has been put to use which would be considered to be genuine use under the laws of that Member State;

(b) for the purpose of protection in a Member State in which, in accordance with the decision of the Office or of the national court, grounds for refusal of registration or grounds for revocation or invalidity apply to the EU trade mark application or EU trade mark.


3. The national trade mark application resulting from the conversion of an EU trade mark application or an EU trade mark shall enjoy in respect of the Member State concerned the date of filing or the date of priority of that application or trade mark and, where appropriate, the seniority of a trade mark of that State claimed under Articles 34 or 35.


4. In cases where an EU trade mark application is deemed to be withdrawn, the Office shall send to the applicant a communication fixing a period of three months from the date of that communication in which a request for conversion may be filed.


5. Where the EU trade mark application is withdrawn or the EU trade mark ceases to have effect as a result of a surrender being recorded or of failure to renew the registration, the request for conversion shall be filed within three months after the date on which the EU trade mark application has been withdrawn or on which the EU trade mark ceases to have effect.


6. Where the EU trade mark application is refused by decision of the Office or where the EU trade mark ceases to have effect as a result of a decision of the Office or of an EU trade mark court, the request for conversion shall be filed within three months after the date on which that decision acquired the authority of a final decision.


7. The effect referred to in Article 32 shall lapse if the request is not filed in due time.