Article 44
Print this page1. If the conditions which the application for an EU trade mark is required to satisfy have been fulfilled, the application shall be published for the purposes of Article 46 to the extent that it has not been refused pursuant to Article 42. The publication of the application shall be without prejudice to information already made available to the public otherwise in accordance with this Regulation or acts adopted pursuant to this Regulation.
2. Where, after publication, the application is refused pursuant to Article 42, the decision that it has been refused shall be published upon becoming final.
3. Where the publication of the application contains an error attributable to the Office, the Office shall of its own motion or at the request of the applicant correct the error and publish the correction.
The rules adopted pursuant to Article 49(3) shall apply mutatis mutandis where a correction is requested by the applicant.
4. Article 46(2) shall also apply where the correction concerns the list of goods or services or the representation of the mark.
5. The Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down the details to be contained in the publication of the application. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 207(2).