Article 106
Print this page1. Proceedings before the Office shall be interrupted:
(a) in the event of the death or legal incapacity of the applicant for, or proprietor of, an EU trade mark or of the person authorised by national law to act on his behalf. To the extent that that death or incapacity does not affect the authorisation of a representative appointed under Article 120, proceedings shall be interrupted only on application by such representative;
(b) in the event of the applicant for, or proprietor of, an EU trade mark being prevented, for legal reasons resulting from action taken against his property, from continuing the proceedings before the Office;
(c) in the event of the death or legal incapacity of the representative of an applicant for, or proprietor of, an EU trade mark, or of that representative being prevented, for legal reasons resulting from action taken against his property, from continuing the proceedings before the Office.
2. Proceedings before the Office shall be resumed as soon as the identity of the person authorised to continue them has been established.
3. The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 208 specifying the detailed arrangements for the resumption of proceedings before the Office.