Rule 119 – Interim award of damages

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The Court may order an interim award of damages to the successful party in the decision on the merits, subject to any conditions that the Court may order. Such award shall at least cover the expected costs of the procedure for the award of damages and compensation on the part of the successful party.


Case law


Court of First Instance


IPPT20241104, UPC CFI, LD Milan, Oerlikon v Bhagat
Interim award of € 15.000 reputational damages because of exhibition at trade fair (Article 68 UPCA, R. 119 RoP). he ITMA trade fair was held for seven days and is the most important trade fair in the world, organised every four years, with the participation of more than 1,600 exhibitors from 44 countries and over 100,000 visitors. These circumstances are not contested and must therefore be deemed proven, pursuant to Rule 171(2) RoP


IPPT20241031, UPC CFI, LD Düsseldorf, Sodastream v Aarke
Entitlement to damages on the merits (Article 68(1) UPCA). The Defendant should have been aware, through the exercise of due diligence, that its actions infringed the patent in suit. Provisional damages covering the expected costs of the proceedings for the award of damages and compensation of EUR 250.000 (R. 119 RoP.)