Rule 102 – Referral to the panel
Print this page1. The judge-rapporteur may refer any matter to the panel for decision and the panel may of its own motion review any decision or order of the judge-rapporteur or the conduct of the interim procedure.
2. Any party may request that a decision or order of the judge-rapporteur be referred to the panel for a review pursuant to Rule 333. Pending review, the decision or order of the judge-rapporteur shall be effective.
Case law
IPPT20240926, UPC CFI, LD Munich, Panasonic v Xiaomi
Judge-Rapporteur refers the possible suspension in the context of parallel pending actions for a declaration of a FRAND licence to the panel proposing that the panel will decide during or after the oral proceedings (R. 102(1) RoP)
IPPT20230828, UPC CFI, LD Helsinki, AIM Sport Vision v Supponor
Procedural order in main proceedings and provisional measures proceedings concerning issues to be addressed in written submissions, invitation to an oral hearing in front of the whole panel, including a technically qualified judge, and instructions regarding oral hearing.