Rule 69 - Orders for enforcement
Print this page1. The Deputy-Registrar shall, upon request of the enforcing party, issue an authentic copy of an enforceable decision or order.
2. The sub-registry of the division of the Court of First Instance, which has delivered the decision or issued the order to be enforced issues such authentic copy.
3. In case of a decision on the merits the Deputy-Registrar shall, upon request of the claimant, issue an authentic paper copy of the decision only after the claimant
− has notified the Court which part of the orders referred to in Rule 118.1 and 118.2(a) of the Rules of Procedure he intends to enforce,
− a certified translation of the orders in accordance with Rule 7.2 of the Rules of Procedure, where applicable, into the official language of a Contracting Member State in which the enforcement shall take place has been provided by the claimant and,
− where applicable, a certified translation of the orders has been served on the defendant by the sub-registry.
4. The Deputy-Registrar shall append (on the same or a separate paper) to the decision or order an order for the enforcement of the decision or order in the following wording: “The present copy is issued to the … (name of the party) for the purpose of enforcement.” physically stamp and sign the order for the enforcement and record it electronically.
5. If the enforcement of the decision or order is subject to the provision of a security incumbent on the enforcing party, the Deputy-Registrar shall issue the authentic paper copy and append an order for the enforcement only after provision of the security has been proven by documentary evidence, which has already been served on the other party.
(Ref.: Art. 82 UPCA, 35(5) of the Statute; R. 354 RoP)