Article 21
Print this page1. The Office shall cancel the Community plant variety right with effect in futurum if it is established that the conditions laid down in Article 8 or 9 are no longer complied with. If it is established that these conditions were already no longer complied with from a point in time prior to cancellation, cancellation may be made effective as from that juncture.
2. The Office may cancel a Community plant variety right with effect in futurum if the holder, after being requested to do so, and within a time limit specified by the Office:
(a) has not fulfilled an obligation pursuant to Article 64 (3); or
(b) in the case referred to in Article 66, does not propose another suitable variety denomination; or
(c) fails to pay such fees as may be payable to keep the Community plant variety right in force; or
(d) either as the initial holder or as a successor in title as a result of a transfer pursuant to Article 23, no longer satisfies the conditions laid down in Articles 12 and 82.