From the press release: "Liège was incorporated into the office network of V.O. Patents & Trademarks today. V.O. now has two offices in Belgium - in Leuven and Liège - and eight offices in the Netherlands and Germany. Altogether, more than 60 specialists work in these ten offices, helping all kinds of companies, from tech start-ups to multinationals, maximize the value of their intellectual property. V.O. is also a recognized service provider for Cheques-entreprises and it won the Best IP advisor: Benelux Silver Award.
Our new office is located in the Liège Science Park, adjacent to the University of Liège. The University is one of the major drivers behind the technology industry in the region. It includes knowledge institutes, countless research centers and more than 70 spin-offs, some of which are pioneers in their sector.
From last April, we already welcomed many of these innovative companies at our new V.O. ‘meet the expert’ location. Here interested parties can easily walk in without obligation with simple questions and get practical tips on patents, trademarks and designs. “We saw a rapid growth in the number of visitors that needed good advice. We also saw that their needs frequently started turning into orders,” says Annemie Jaeken, partner at V.O. Patents & Trademarks. “Now that we have added this branch to our company network, we are available every day with our full range of services. We can now optimally meet the needs of clients in the region.”"