UPC CFI LD Munich, 4 July 2024: Confidentiality club rules on representatives, penalties and deadlines
11-07-2024 Print this pageIPPT20240704, UPC CFI, LD Munich, Xiaomi v Panasonic I

Confidentiality club rules (Rule 262A RoP). Disclosure limited to authorised representatives in the present proceedings, parallel proceedings before the Landgericht München and the Landgericht Mannheim, the UPC Local Divisions in München and Mannheim and before the High Court of Justice of England & Wales.Penalty payment only in case of of a culpable violation.
Time limit for filing Rejoinder to the Statement of Reply does not start to run until the fully unredacted Reply is available (Rule 9(3) RoP, Rule 29 RoP, Rule 262A RoP). Time limits regarding the revocation counterclaim and the (alternative) amendment of the patent run independent therefrom. Revocation is independent from FRAND-defence.