UPC Central Division Munich, 20 September 2023: availability of written pleadings and evidence to the public requires a legitimate reason.
23-10-2023 Print this pageIPPT20230920, UPC CFI, CD Munich, Sanofi-Aventis v Amgen

Availability of written pleadings and evidence to the public requires a legitimate reason. Rule 262(1)(b) RoP requires a concrete, verifiable and legally relevant reason, i.e. more than just any (fictitious) reason. In other words: a legitimate reason is required for making available written pleadings and evidence to a member of the public. Otherwise, this provision and the distinction made would seem to be moot and without substance. The mere “wish” from a natural person to form “an opinion” on the validity of a patent out of a “personal and a professional interest” cannot be accepted as a sufficiently concrete, legitimate reason to make available all pleadings and evidence in this case.