UPC CoA, 17 December 2024: No suspensive effect appeal of order to defendant to provide security for costs

04-01-2025 Print this page
Mzolisi Mtshaulana
IPPT20211217, UPC CoA, Curio v 10x

Application to the standing judge for suspensive effect of an appeal because of extreme urgency (R. 223.4 RoP) rejected regarding an order to the defendant to provide € 200.000 security for legal costs of the claimant (R. 158 RoP, Art. 69(4) UPCA). 


Within the discretion of the standing judge to dismiss the application without hearing the respondent. 


Extreme urgency under R 223.4 RoP is clearly distinct from, and does not require the impugned order to be “manifestly wrong”, but the Court is not convinced that the CFI was manifestly wrong and whether the CFI has given a correct interpretation of R 158 RoP regarding Art. 69(4) UPCA will have to be decided by the Court of Appeal at the end of the appeal proceedings.


IPPT20211217, UPC CoA, Curio v 10x