Term 'addresses' in Article 8(2)(a) of Direrctive 2004/48 refers solely to a postal address

11-08-2020 Print this page
IPPT20200709, CJEU, Constantin Film v Youtube

Private International Law - Article 8(2)(a) of Directive 2004/48 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights must be interpreted as meaning that the term 'addresses' contained in that provision does not oblige platforms such as Youtube, in respect of a user who has uploades files which infringe an intellectual property right, to provide the user's email address, telephone number and IP address used to upload those files or the IP address used when the user's account was last accessed: the term 'addresses' in article 8(2)(a) solely refers to a postal addres, Member States do have the option to order disclosure of more complete information.


C-264/19 - ECLI:EU:C:2020:542


IPPT20200709, CJEU, Constantin Film v Youtube