The hiring out of motor vehicles equipped with radio receivers does not constitute a communication to the public

04-06-2020 Print this page
IPPT20200402, CJEU, Stim and SAMI

Copyright - The hiring out of motor vehicles equipped with radio receivers does not constitute a communication to the public: in the case of the supply of a radio receiver forming an integral part of a hired motor vehicle, which makes it possible to receive, without any additional intervention by the leasing company, the terrestrial radio broadcasts available in the area in which the vehicle is located there is no intervention to give his customers access to a protected work, such a supply differs from (case-law on) acts of communication by which service providers intentionally broadcast protected works to their clientele, by distributing a signal by means of receivers that they have installed in their establishment.


IPPT20200402, CJEU, Stim and SAMI


ECLI:EU:C:2020:268 - C753/18