IPPT20100914, ECHR, Sanoma v The Netherlands

26-01-2011 Print this page



Protection journalistic resources: chilling effect
• The present case concerns an order for the compulsory surrender of journalistic material which contained information capable of identifying journalistic sources. This suffices for the Court to find that this order constitutes, in itself, an interference with the applicant company's freedom to receive and impart information under Article 10 § 1.


Protection journalistic sources – deficient quality of the law
• the quality of the law was deficient in that there was no procedure attended by adequate legal safeguards for the applicant company in order to enable an independent assessment as to whether the interest of the criminal investigation overrode the public interest in the protection of journalistic sources. There has accordingly been a violation of Article 10 of the Convention in that the interference complained of was not “prescribed by law”.


IPPT20100914, ECHR, Sanoma v The Netherlands