Sufficient disclosure to satisfy requirements of article 57 EPC regarding “a practical application” and “some profitable use"

IPPT20111102, UKSC, Human Genome Sciences v Eli Lilly

OHIM is not obliged to extend the examination of the distinctive character from the applied trademark to other uses than those considered to be the most likely

IPPT20120426, CJEU, Deichmann v OHIM

Irreconcilable judgments are possible in cases of infringement by companies of same national part of European Patent with same product

IPPT20120712, CJEU, Solvay v Honeywell

Mere existence of earlier authorisation veterinary medicinal product does not preclude SPC for different application within basic patent

IPPT20120719, CJEU, Neurim v Comptroller-General of Patents

General Court has incorrectly ruled in opposition proceedings that ‘F1’ element in national trademark is generic, descriptive and devoid of any distinctive character

IPPT20120524, CJEU, Formula One v OHIM

Functionality of computer program, programming language, and format of data files not a form of expression of that program is not protected by copyright

IPPT20120502, CJEU, SAS v World Programming

Approval sale of 'used' software

IPPT20120703, CJEU, UsedSoft v Oracle

Copyright on database when there is a selection or arrangement of the data which amounts to an original expression of the creative freedom of its author

IPPT20120301, CJEU, Football Dataco v Yahoo