Google is not required to carry out worldwide de-referencing of its search engine when "the right to be forgotten" is exercised

IPPT20190924, CJEU, Google v CNIL

A-G Saugmandsgaard Øe: in the period between publication of the application for a plant variety right and its grant, the breeder is free to grow and to harvest and sell the products


CJEU about the concept of “appropriate compensation” in the Enforcement Directive after unjustified interim measures

IPPT20190912, CJEU, Bayer v Richter Gedeon

Design-law repair clause does not provide for a deviation from provisions of the Trademark Directive and the Community Trademark Regulation

IPPT20151006, CJEU, Ford v Wheeltrims

CJEU about bad faith

IPPT20190912, CJEU, Koton v EUIPO

BOIP and Darts-ip delevop tool to improve searching figurative trademarks


The Ohio State University's trademark registration of 'the' refused
