IPPT20101021, CJEU, Padawan v SGAE

27-10-2010 Print this page



“Fair Compensation” is an autonomous concept of European Union law
• the concept of ‘fair compensation’, within the meaning of Article 5(2)(b) of Directive 2001/29, is an autonomous concept of European Union law which must be interpreted uniformly in all the Member States that have introduced a private copying exception, irrespective of the power conferred on them to determine, within the limits imposed by European Union law and in particular by that directive, the form, detailed arrangements for financing and collection, and the level of that fair compensation.


Fair compensation - damages
• Based on harm caused to authors by the introduction of the private copying exception


Link necessary between the levy to finance fair compensation and the deemed use of digital reproduction equipment
• Having regard to all of the foregoing considerations, the answer to questions 3 and 4 is that Article 5(2)(b) of Directive 2001/29 must be interpreted as meaning that a link is necessary between the application of the levy intended to finance fair compensation with respect to digital reproduction equipment, devices and media and the deemed use of them for the purposes of private copying. 
• Consequently, the indiscriminate application of the private copying levy, in particular with respect to digital reproduction equipment, devices and media not made available to private users and clearly reserved for uses other than private copying, is incompatible with Directive 2001/29.


IPPT20101021, CJEU, Padawan v SGAE